Middle Shuswap Wild Salmon Society     
We can't go back and make a new start, but we can start now to make a new ending for the Wild Salmon that want to spawn above Shuswap Falls in the years ahead!

The Middle Shuswap Wild Salmon Society (MSWSS) was formed to promote awareness of the Chinook, Sockeye and endangered Pacific Coho salmon impacted by human activity in the Middle Shuswap Watershed in BC’s interior.
Shuswap salmon travel 1100 kilometers up the Fraser basin to Lumby, BC the eastern most community for Pacific wild salmon returns. When they arrive on their spawning journey, on big run years, many salmon die trying to get over the spillway at the Wilsey hydro dam.

MSWSS is co-ordinating with many community groups, people and businesses who support the development of a fish ladder around the Wilsey hydro dam.   
Founded by Randy Rauck and four other directors, the MSWSS (referred to as the Wild Salmon Society) was registered as a non-profit Society in February 2011.  It achieves its mandate of raising awareness through a variety of activities including an annual Wild Salmon community Festival, letters and speaking engagements, fundraising activities, and events in the community.   Donations to the Society are gratefully accepted.

Memberships in the Society are available by application for small fee which are set annually.  Directors are elected at the Annual General Meeting held in April or May and serve terms of three to five years.

Wild Salmon Song Contest on now.
Details at

Wild Salmon Music, Arts and Harvest Festival 
Mid September  Lumby BC Canada 